Friday, October 16, 2009

WTWTA, Hipsters, and Twentysomethings...

Good morning, Clint.

So...let's begin with WTWTA. Firstly, I remember reading the book...but it was so damn long ago that there's no way I can remember the whole story. I remember liking the story and enjoying the pictures the most(what? don't give me that look...). But honestly, I don't really know how I feel about making classic books into's complicated. Either way, I think that I share you general "meh" about the film. But it does at the very least look cool...maybe too cool...more on that later. And yet your feelings on this movie seem to have nothing to do with this movie...and everything to do with the way it is being promoted and who it is being received best by. So let's look at that...

Just FYI...I'm about to ruin your day.

Yes, that's right. It's a "Max suit"...that costs $610. But don't worry, there's an entire line...I linked it above. ::heavy sigh:: My issues with this movie as it comes out are not so much related to my lack of attachment to the book or our mutual feeling of disgust toward hipsters...but a much broader feeling on the entertainment of twentysomethings.

Now, if you were to look at the popular movies with people our age recently, it's all about the stuff we liked as kids. Transformers. GI Joe. Hell, the Star Wars remakes! I'm just as guilty as all the other folks my age. I mean I heard a rumor that John Woo was going to direct a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and had to change my pants I was so excited. (I mean how would that be lame. Not. Possible.) I guess I understand it. We always get excited when something we loved in childhood or adolescence is going to be remade because you always wonder what it would be like if, say, Red Dawn (which is being remade, by the way) was made now. People will always go to those movies because they feel like they KNOW them. They think it will be a safe bet with their $15 movie ticket. And movie studios will always make them because they know it's a sure thing with moviegoers. I mean, Wes Anderson (Grand Vizier to the Hipster King, himself) is making a movie of Roald Dahl's The Fantastic Mr. Fox. I guess that I think the issue stems from the fact that people aren't willing to go out and see a "new" movie. There's no way to know if it's going to be good. I mean how else do you explain the online movie buzz community? You almost have to ruin the plot of a movie just to get people to be convinced that it's worth seeing! They have even started showing parts of the damn movies to sell them. That is almost 6 MINUTES OF THE MOVIE!!! Granted it's 2012, but I mean WOW.

As far as WTWTA is concerned, it's the same issue. I'm sure that Spike Jonze has always loved the book. Which he should. It's a great book. And he is a yeah man. Make that movie. And I hope lots of people go, because entertainment is the whole effing point. But I would encourage him to do something new.

Miscellaneous notes:
-Aimee's point is so good that I need to quote it...
"Watch out Clint, the only thing more hipster (aka "WHITE") than going and supporting a hipster-based film, Is refusing to based on moral principals."
Touche ma'am. Touche.
-David Bowie is the Hipster King...obvi.


  1. I just want to know why you two dorks aren't talking about Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs in IMAX 3D! You wanna talk about classic literature being turned into a film, THAT'S it!

  2. Tyler, do me a solid? Punch Amber in the face.
